Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Looking into the "NEAR" future...

Ok guys, this is the proposed plan for the holidays after exams, so that all of you can have a rough idea of what is going to happen and also, for you guys to plan your timetable during DEC.

If possible, im looking at training TWICE a week. One training will be by coach, and another training on our own, mostly technique based. I think it will be useful to delicate one trg on improving our lousy techniques. Also, we will most likely be having more friendly games(maybe on sat or sun).

Training timings will most probably be morning or early afternoon(to be confirmed with coach again), so that for the rest of the day you all can go for other sports' trgs.

Lastly, for the time being, these are the things you all can do when you are 'free':

1. When you feel like taking a break from studying, go for a RUN. The 179 route is the best route to choose, covering almost 3km, with one shag upslope after Can A. If you are lucky, you can get to see pretty girls running, or even luckier, see me!

2. When your hands are itchy(for some reasons), DO NOT REACH UNDER YOUR PANTS! But try doing 3 X 30 reps of push up, with 1 min rest during each interval. It wont last you too long.

3. If you are hungry and feel like ordering MAC, STOP! Instead do 3 X 30 reps of sit-ups or crunches to get back your 8 packs(if you have in the first place).

These exercises do not produce instance results but at least it will help you to maintain what you have. And by just doing it ONCE wont help. For more suggestions, feel free to contribute.

So, if you dont wish to see your tummy coming out when you wear your new jersey, better buck up and maintain your fitness. Ok, STUDY HARD and GOOD LUCK to ME. Thats all folks!


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